Just because there’s a whole bunch of weapons you can use, a building system to help you get some defenses in between you and an opponent, and an ever-shrinking circle trying to force you into combat, that doesn’t mean you have to. If you’re desperate to get that Victory Royale, but aren’t quite skilled enough to go in all-guns-blazing in Fortnite Battle Royale, finding good hiding spots is a pretty solid strategy to reach the final few.
Bushes are one of our top picks for hiding spots in Fortnite. You do have to make sure you’re positioned correctly inside them to ensure your character’s head isn’t blatantly popping out, but they tend to work pretty well. After all, nobody’s really checking every single bush they run past as they’re running towards the circle.
Using bushes as hiding spots in Fortnite also allows you to catch the enemy player off-guard. As soon as they’ve ran past, line up your sights for a headshot and fire. With a bit of luck, they’ll be down and out before they even know where you were.
Oh, and one final thing about using bushes as hiding spots. It can make for some pretty intense moments if enemies come sniffing around you. Just make sure to have that shotgun at the ready.

In terms of actual places on the map itself that you can go to for hiding spots in Fortnite, we’re a pretty big fan of heading right to the very north or south of the river running the length of the map. Before you go diving out the Battle Bus straight to one of these spots, however, make sure you land nearby and get plenty of materials in first. It’s quite the climb back up onto the map for when you need to move into the circle.
Why do we like it here? Hardly anyone really explores the extremities of the map, with much of the action being concentrated within the named locations and the center of the map. You’ll be left alone, have a giant drop down from the rest of the map, and can easily climb back up (as long as you got materials in before heading down there).
Similarly, we also found the very east and west coasts of the map have large drops down to small sections of land, perfect for hiding. Again, make sure your well-stocked with materials, however, as it can be quite the journey back up top.
It should go without saying that these hiding spots don’t necessarily leave you in the best spot for reaching the very end of a game in Fortnite considering most games end up with the action taking place towards the center of the map.

This ones for those players who want to be close to the action and the center of the map, but also need some quiet hiding spots for when things get a little too hectic. Over the river that runs the length of Fortnite’s map, there are a number of bridges that run over it. If you head underneath these, you can actually build a little shelter right up against the cliff and the foundations of the bridge, somewhat hiding you from any enemies passing by.
Of course, because you’re closer to the action, there is a higher chance that someone running by could spot you. Make sure you’re well equipped with a shotgun and something that’s decent at range in order to pick off any straddlers running by.

While you’re not going to see a llama train like in the image above during a normal game of Fortnite, there are some animal statues each made of one of the three different materials scattered across the map. These were used for a challenge back in Season 4, but ever since, they’ve largely been forgotten about…. perfect for hiding spots, then!
You’ll, of course, want to keep as much of the structure intact as possible so as not to give away the fact that you’re inside. However, once you are within the safe wooden confines of the llama, or the solid brick of the fox, you’ll find a number of items and ammo (and possibly even chests) to keep you well-protected in your newfound hiding spots.

Okay, okay, we know that building your very own skybase may not be considered one of Fortnite maps’ hiding spots so to speak, but it’s one of the most effective and entertaining ways to stay out of combat, reach the final circle, and give yourself the upper-hand for the final face-off.
There are some things to keep in mind when building a skybase in Fortnite, though. First off, you’re going to need a lot of materials, and we’re talking a lot. If you’re in a duo or squad, make sure each of you is as close to max wood as possible, and a few hundred of brick and metal just to be safe.
The next thing to keep in mind is that you can fairly easily be shot down. There are a few ways to counter this. First, make sure that you start building your ramp off the ground just before the storm catches you. This will result in the base of your ramp being out in the storm, massively reducing the chance someone is going to pickaxe you down.
You’ll then want to build right up to the max build height limit. Once you hit this, start building a small 2 x 2 flat platform and wait for the storm to start coming in again. When the storm is about to hit you, start building in towards the circle again, making sure that your skybase only just juts out of the storm circle when it stops with your flat 2×2 platform. Here, you’ll drop any launch pads or bounce pads you have, so as to protect yourself from fall damage should anyone spot you and shoot you down.
It’s good fun to try skybases out as hiding spots with friends, and if you do make it to the final few, you’ll have the height advantage too, making a Victory Royale a good possibility.
For more on Fortnite, be sure to check out our ever-expanding wiki.
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