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When you first start out in Ubisoft’s The Division 2, you may be a little disappointed to find that your Agent can only carry a primary weapon and their sidearm. Fear not, though, as this doesn’t have to last for long. Here’s how to get more weapon slots in Division 2 and carry more weapons.
During the opening section of The Division 2, you’ll only have access to a primary weapon and your sidearm. These can be changed between by double tapping Triangle or Y when you’ve got your primary weapon equipped to pull out your sidearm, and pressing this once again to go back.
Of course, you’ll likely want an additional weapon to help you take on all combat situations. Fortunately, you can get more weapon slots in Division 2 pretty early on. Once you arrive at the White House and go and talk to the Quartermaster, you’ll then be given the option to purchase your first perk.
The very first perk that’s already highlighted for you out of all those available is the ‘Weapon Slot’ perk, which, as you guessed, grants you the ability to carry more weapons in Division 2.

It does only give you one more weapon slot, however, and there’s no additional perks or upgrade for ‘Weapon Slot’ that’d allow you to have three main weapons on you at any given time.
As such, you’ll still need to try and balance your two main weapons, one for picking off enemies from a distance, and another for more close-range affairs. Or just pick whatever fits your playstyle, especially if you’re playing through Division 2 with other players.
If you’re a fan of making things go bang, you’ll probably also want to know how to carry more grenades. This can be done by simply selecting the perk below ‘Weapon Slot,’ aptly called ‘Grenades.’ There are three stages to this Perk, with each one enabling you to carry one additional grenade each time.
If you fully upgrade it, you’ll be able to carry a maximum of five grenades at any time in Division 2. But keep in mind, as you purchase the next stage, the more expensive it’ll cost you in SHD Tech.
That’s all you need to know to get more weapon slots in Division 2 and carry more weapons. For more tips, tricks, and guides to help you on your adventure to save the capital, be sure to check out our ever-expanding guide wiki.
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