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KAI signs teaming pact with Lockheed Martin – APDR – Asia Pacific Defence Reporter

KAI signs teaming pact with Lockheed Martin - APDR - Asia Pacific Defence ReporterKAI (Korea Aerospace Industries) and Lockheed Martin recently signed a teaming agreement that escalates an exclusive and strategic cooperative partnership for marketing T-50 jets between the two companies and has consolidated its commitment to cooperation.
The deal between the two companies will provide an opportunity to specify the vision between the Republic of Korea government and the South Korea’s defence industries in November 2021 to aim for exporting 1,000 T-50 jets internationally. The agreement is focused on competitions expected in the coming years for U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy tactical trainers, the Canada Future Fighter Lead-In Training (FFLIT) program and other opportunities Eastern Europe, South America, and Africa. To this end, KAI is making rapid progress by active export negotiations with potential customers, led by President Ahn Hyun-ho as the top management priority.
Ahn Hyun-ho said “With signing of the teaming agreement, we will be able to begin various competitive enhancement activities between the two companies, and I have confidence in exporting 1,000 units worldwide, including the U.S. market, and share the important role of expanding K-defence exports.”
“The T-50 is a proven aircraft program that reduces the learning curve for new pilots and gets them flying operational sorties faster,” adds Aimee Burnett, vice president, Integrated Fighter Group Business Development. “We are proud to continue to partner with KAI on the T-50 to leverage our collective experiences to train the next generation of pilots to fly, fight and win.”
As a system integrator in aerospace, KAI has been taking leading role in aerospace industry in Korea with successful development of T-50 Advanced Jet Trainer, KT-1 Basic Trainer, KUH-1 (Surion) Utility Helicopter and RQ-101 UAV (Songgolmae). Currently, Korean Fighter(KF-21 Boramae) and Light Armed Helicopter(LAH) / Light Civil Helicopter(LCH) program which is future growth engine and key factor are under development. KAI is also involved in the development of Korea Multi-Purpose Satellites (KOMPSAT, Arirang) and Compact Advanced Satellite 500(CAS-500), defence satellites, as well as the Korea Space Launch Vehicle (KSLV-Ⅱ).
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Australian Defence In a Global Context. In its 47th year APDR is the longest established defence publication in Australia.
Daily News Bulletin from APDR for 27/01/23 – http://eepurl.com/ijhu41
Italy takes delivery of first newly-configured AW169M
Airbus to provide satellite communications for Belgian Armed Forces
Luerssen Australia hits 200 employee milestone
Daily News Bulletin from APDR for 26/01/23 – http://eepurl.com/ijbDFP
VIEWPOINT: Defence industry skills in great demand
REPORTS: Australia to buy advanced sea mines
Saber announces first projects to fly in Australian Astronaut Program
GlobalData: Republican-held US House will add pressure on allies to step up supplies to Ukraine
Indra completes modernisation program for Brazilian Air Force traffic radars


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