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Division 2: How to Deconstruct Items – Twinfinite

Zhiqing Wan
Home » Guides » Division 2: How to Deconstruct Items
Developed by Massive and Ubisoft, The Division 2 takes place in Washington DC and continues on from the events of the first game. Here’s how to deconstruct items in Division 2.
As you progress through the game, you’ll start amassing a large number of armor pieces and weapons. Your level and gear score will slowly start to increase, and more worthless items will start clogging up your inventory.
To deconstruct items in Division 2, all you have to do is bring up the main menu, then select the Character option. From here, choose the category that contains the item you want to get rid of.
Hover over the item, then press and hold the R3 button to deconstruct it. This will deconstruct it into crafting materials you can use later on.

How to Deconstruct Items in Division 2

Deconstructing weapons will reward you with weapon parts, and breaking down armor will reward you with Protective Fabric.
As mentioned previously, deconstructing items allows you to break them down into raw crafting materials in The Division 2. These can be put towards crafting even better gear and weapons, assuming you have the blueprints for them.
You can craft equipment by heading back to the Base of Operations and using the crafting bench there. The more stuff you craft (and the higher level it is), the faster your crafting bench will level up, giving you more crafting options later on down the line.

How to Deconstruct Items in Division 2

Because of this, it’s definitely recommended that you dismantle your unwanted gear instead of selling them to the vendor for a little bit of money.
That’s all you need to know about how to deconstruct items in Division 2. Be sure to search for Twinfinite or check our Division 2 guide wiki for more tips and information on the game.
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