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All Season Of The Plunder Weapons – Destiny 2 – TheGamer

Here is every weapon added in Season of the Plunder, including the likes of Mindbender’s Ambition and Zaouli’s Bane
A pirate-themed season wouldn't be complete without a suite of new guns. Destiny 2's Season of the Plunder has added over 20 new weapons for players to chase, some of which are reprised weapons from the original Destiny's King's Fall raid. Paired with new perks, this season has something for everyone to chase, both for PvE and PvP.
Related: Destiny 2: The Best Kinetic Weapons, Ranked
Blunderbuss Shotguns, lightning-infused Fusion Rifles, and weapons carved from the bones of slain Hive are just a few things you can expect this season. We'll be covering every weapon added in Season of the Plunder, including Exotics and upcoming King's Fall weapons.
Updated September 28, 2022: In addition to adding the six new Legendary weapons and the Touch of Malice Exotic Scout Rifle from the King's Fall raid, we've added a helpful video to break own everything you need to know. We've updated this list to include all obtainable King's Fall weapons, showcase their archetypes and damage types, and we've added the Touch of Malice to the Exotics portion of this guide. We've also
Season of the Plunder contains two new Exotic weapons—three if you pre-ordered the Lightfall expansion. Delicate Tomb is a Season Pass Exotic that acts like a Rapid-Fire Frame Fusion Rifle. It has horizontal spread in hip-fire and vertical spread in ADS, and kills generate Ionic Traces which supercharge the gun. Quicksilver Storm is a 720 Auto Rifle that can turn into a Grenade Launcher if you land enough shots.
The third Exotic is Touch of Malice, a Rapid-Fire Scout Rifle that drains the user's life force to shoot additional, high-powered rounds. This weapon drops from the final boss in the King's Fall raid.
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Season of the Plunder has six new pirate-themed weapons, four of which are tied to this season's activities. The Brigand's Law Sidearm and Planck's Stride LMG are tied to the Season Pass, awarded at ranks 30 and 45, respectively. Both items are on the free Season Pass track, unlocked solely by earning XP.
*Tied to the Season Pass.
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Related: Destiny 2: Ability Cooldowns And Super Tiers Explained
All Legendary weapons tied to the Dares of Eternity activity may now be crafted at the Enclave, allowing these weapons to use Enhanced Traits for the first time. Each weapon has received a new Origin Trait: Hot Swap. Switching to the weapon while damaged strongly increases its handling for a short duration. Swords gain charge speed and guard buffs instead.
Some new perks that can roll on these weapons include:
Some fan favorite perks like Incandescent and Chain Reaction may now roll on some of these weapons as well. Check out light.gg for a comprehensive breakdown of their new perk pools. We'll have a guide showcasing their new god rolls in the near future.
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This section contains spoilers for King's Fall loot. If you don't wish to be spoiled, skip to the next section.
King's Fall returns with six Legendary weapons and a highly-anticipated Exotic: the Touch of Malice. The perks for Touch of Malice are showcased in our Exotic section if you want to take a look. All weapons listed have Adept variants and are fully craftable.
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Related: Destiny 2: The Best Perks You Need On Your Weapons
Four items have been added to the general loot pool—weapons that drop from Legendary and Umbral Engrams. Bungie added a Void LFR, 450 Auto Rifle, SUROS SMG, and a Hakke Sidearm.
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Season of the Plunder's ritual weapon is Cry Mutiny, a 120 RPM Grenade Launcher that rolls with Incandescent and Swashbuckler. This weapon can be used as an add-slaying machine or a solid counter to majors. You can obtain this weapon by ranking up with Zavala, Shaxx, or the Drifter by playing their respective ritual activity. Ornaments for this Grenade Launcher are also obtainable by resetting your Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit ranks.
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Charles Burgar is an expert on all things tech and gaming. Graduating from Pikes Peak Community College in 2018 with an Associate of Science, Charles has spent his time dissecting popular video games, movies, and technology. With an understanding of games for as long as he can remember, Charles has a large interest in understanding what makes things fun. He is currently a Freelance writer for TheGamer and Game Rant.


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