GTA Online features tons of unique and exciting features for players to enjoy and discover as they make their way through the streets of Lost Santos. One feature that players can partake in is the Exotic Exports list that has you finding some of the rarest cars in the game while also making a hefty profit for your efforts.
So below, we will be taking you through the list of every Exotic Export car available in GTA Online right now, as well as how to find them and cover some issues you might come across as you build up your collection of exotic cars.
Before you can begin your heisting exploits, you must first buy an auto shop property in GTA Online. Then, to get the Exotic Exports list to appear, you must complete at least one KDJ robbery contract (Kenny Dixon Jr., aka Moodymann).
After completing this, Sessanta will call you and invite you to join “a little side hustle.” This should allow you to access the exotic exports list that is written in chalk on a blackboard on the upper floor of your auto shop.
At the time of writing, there are 100 spawn locations for all the Exotic Export cars in GTA Online. When you’re near on, as you’re driving through the streets of Los Santos, you will see a blue marker appear on your mini-map. All of these are marked on the interactive map below for your convenience as well.
All the Exotic Export vehicles you’ll come across in GTA Online are listed below:
- Albany Alpha
- Albany Buccaneer Custom
- Albany Cavalcade
- Albany V-STR
- Annis Elegy Retro Custom
- Annis S80RR
- Annis Savestra
- Benefactor Dubsta2
- Benefactor Krieger
- Benefactor Schwartzer
- Benefactor Surano
- Bravado Banshee 900R
- Bravado Buffalo S
- Bravado Gauntlet Hellfire
- Bravado Verlierer
- Canis Kamacho
- Cheval Taipan
- Coil Brawler
- Coil Raiden
- Declasse Drift Tampa
- Declasse Drift Yosemite
- Declasse Mamba
- Declasse Sabre Turbo Custom
- Declasse Tornado Custom
- Declasse Tulip
- Declasse Vamos
- Dewbauchee Exemplar
- Dewbauchee Massacro
- Dewbauchee Seven-70
- Dewbauchee Specter
- Dinka Blista Kanjo
- Enus Huntley S
- Enus Paragon R
- Enus Stafford
- Enus Super Diamond
- Enus Windsor
- Gallivanter Baller LE LWB
- Grotti Bestia GTS
- Grotti Brioso R/A
- Grotti Carbonizzare
- Grotti Cheetah Classic
- Grotti Furia
- Grotti Itali GTO
- Grotti Stinger GT
- Grotti Turismo R
- Grotti Visione
- Hijak Ruston
- Imponte Nightshade
- Imponte Phoenix
- Imponte Ruiner
- Invetero Coquette BlackFin
- Invetero Coquette
- Karin 190z
- Karin Kuruma
- Karin Sultan Classic
- Lampadati Komoda
- Lampadati Novak
- Lampadati Tigon
- Lampadati Tropos Rallye
- Lampadati Viseris
- Maxwell Asbo
- Maxwell Vagrant
- Obey Rocoto
- Ocelot F620
- Ocelot Jackal
- Ocelot Jugular
- Ocelot Locust
- Ocelot Penetrator
- Ocelot Swinger
- Ocelot XA-21
- Overflod Autarch
- Overflod Entity XF
- Overflod Tyrant
- Pegassi Infernus Classic
- Pegassi Infernus
- Pegassi Monroe
- Pegassi Reaper
- Pegassi Tempesta
- Pegassi Torero
- Pfister 811
- Pfister Comet SR
- Pfister Comet
- Pfister Neon
- Principe Deveste Eight
- Progen Emerus
- Progen T20
- RUNE Cheburek
- Truffade Adder
- Truffade Nero
- Truffade Z-Type
- Ubermacht SC1
- Ubermacht Sentinel Classic
- Vapid Bullet
- Vapid Chino Custom
- Vapid Dominator GTX
- Vapid Flash GT
- Vapid Peyote Custom
- Vapid Retinue
- Vysser Neo
- Weeny Issi Classic
If you come across any issue of the vehicles not spawning, then be sure that you have Air-Freight turned on, as this is a common reason why the vehicles won’t spawn. To do this, head to your interactive menu setting and turn on “show” for the Air-Freight option, or follow the path as shown here: Interaction menu > hide options > others > air freight > show.
And that’s our complete list of all the Exotic Export Cars in GTA Online. As more vehicles are found, we will update this listing accordingly, so be sure to check back here soon for more on the latest exotic cars in GTA Online.
For more GTA Online news be sure to check out our dedicated section, or some of our Guides & Tutorials, just below:
GTA Online Guides – GTA Online Weekly Update | Prize Ride This Week | Podium Car This Week | GTA+ Rewards This Month | GTA Online Winter Update | Exotic Exports Car List | Imani Tech Upgrades
GTA Online Heists – Doomsday Heist Payout | Diamond Casino Heist Payout | Cayo Perico Heist Payout | How To Get the Panther Statue on Cayo Perico |
GTA Online Collectibles – LD Organics Locations | M16 Service Carbine Locations | Treasure Hunt Locations
GTA Online Best Businesses – Best Agency | Best Arcade | Best Auto Shop | Best Bunker | Best Cocaine Lockup | Best Counterfeit Cash Factory | Best Document Forgery | Best Facility | Best Hanger | Best MC Clubhouse | Best Meth Lab | Best Nightclub | Best Office | Best Weed Farm|
Featured image courtesy of Rockstar Games.
For more GTA Online news be sure to check out our dedicated section, or some of our Guides & Tutorials, just below:
GTA Online Guides – GTA Online Weekly Update | Prize Ride This Week | Podium Car This Week | GTA+ Rewards This Month | GTA Online Winter Update | Exotic Exports Car List | Imani Tech Upgrades |
GTA Online Los Santos Drug Wars Guides – Los Santos Drug Wars Mission List | All New Cars In GTA Online Los Santos Drug Wars | GTA Online Acid Lab Explained | All Snowman Collectible Locations |
GTA Online Heists – Doomsday Heist Payout | Diamond Casino Heist Payout | Cayo Perico Heist Payout | How To Get the Panther Statue on Cayo Perico |
GTA Online Collectibles – LD Organics Locations | M16 Service Carbine Locations | Treasure Hunt Locations |
GTA Online Best Businesses – Best Agency | Best Arcade | Best Auto Shop | Best Bunker | Best Cocaine Lockup | Best Counterfeit Cash Factory | Best Document Forgery | Best Facility | Best Hanger | Best MC Clubhouse | Best Meth Lab | Best Nightclub | Best Office | Best Weed Farm |
Shane is a full-time writer at GINX Esports TV. Beyond this, he is an avid gamer and tech nerd with a passion for writing. While he loves games with deep lore, he plays most games, ranging from RPGs and first-person shooters to platformers. Oh, and (noise alert) he’s a drummer in his free time. You can reach him at [email protected] or on Twitter at @shane_xiii
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