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The Best New Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Mods – Twinfinite

Tom Hopkins
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sims 4 jungle lights mod

Of course, ensuring that the lighting is spot on in your Sims 4 world can be one of the most vital things to consider when you’re designing. While there’s plenty to choose from already, The Selvadorado Lights mod allows you to unlock the lights from the Jungle Adventure pack so that you can freely build and buy them whenever you’d like. The three mod packs also include some re-colored variants of the Jungle Adventure lights, so you’ll have even more choice. For all the information on how to get the lights added to your game, and to see everything that is included, you can check the mod out here.

sims 4 minor mods

The Minor Mods Set adds a few things to your Sims world that will make your experience much easier. Emotion berry trees are added that bare seven different colored berries, each of which give your sim a different emotion. Falls buffs are altered, the full effects of which you can find here. The skill requirement that was needed to dance rumbasim is removed, with it previously being that your sim would need to be at level 4 Selvadoradian Skill, allowing you to dance to your hearts content. And, finally, the mod set makes it much easier to turn your sim into a skeleton for 12 in-game hours as you play, with a handy way to turn the effect on and off. It also means that you do not have to learn all the long cheats each time you want to scare the other characters. None of the individual elements change the game much, but they make some aspects of the game much easier and more appealing.

sims 4 archaeologist

Ever wanted to be an Archaeologist but never quite had the grades. Now you can try it out in the Sims 4. It might not be quite the same, but it is still a fun addition to the game. You can have your sim become one as their career in the game with this mod, allowing them to earn their Simoleons selling any collectibles that they get, working as someone that is self-employed. There is just one set shift that you’re need to have set, which is every Monday, due to the game requiring it. It can be ignored, or treated as a real shift/appointment, but having it stops your sim showing up as unemployed and  it works the same way as other Self Employment Careers. The Archaeologist career mod is a fun addition to the Sims 4 and allows you and your sim to do something different with your time.

skeleton sims 4

You can turn your sim into a skeleton while playing naturally by simply following the steps in game to do it properly or by inputing a cheat, the details of which you can see here. However, to make it easier, and a little more permanent, this mod adds the skeleton look to the ‘create a sim’ section of the game. You can then have your character be a skeleton from the moment the game is started, making them stand out from the rest of the characters in the game. Since the mod unlocks the skeleton look in create a sim, it probably isn’t limited to the 12 hour effect that the skeleton buff is usually limited by, so you don’t have to keep inputting the cheat or following the official steps, which is very helpful.
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