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The Best Legendary Weapons to Get in Destiny 2 Before Lightfall – Fanbyte

Collin MacGregor, JANUARY 9, 2023
There are a lot of weapons in Destiny 2, so it can tricky to know which ones to hunt for before a new expansion drops. With Lightfall a little over a month away, players will want to start looking for the best weapons for the upcoming raid and Legendary campaign. Now there are a lot of great firearms in Destiny 2 and for most content, you can pretty much whatever you want. However, there are still some items I suggest tracking down before Lightfall drops. Here are some of the best weapons to get in Destiny 2 before the new Lightfall expansion:
The Best Legendary Weapons to Get in Destiny 2 Before Lightfall - Fanbyte
When it comes to the must-have Kinetic weapons there are only a few I recommend you either farm or craft. The first two are Succession and Thoughtless, as these are some of the best legendary sniper rifles in the game. Both can be crafted, with Succession tied to the Deep Stone Crypt raid and Thoughtless accessible via Season of the Risen content. Ideally, you’ll want some combination of perks like Reconstruction/Vorpal Weapon or Auto-Loading Holster/Firing Line.
As for grenade launchers, you want any Kinetic grenade launcher with the Blinding Grenades perk. Despite the nerf, being able to blind enemies is still extremely helpful in difficult content such as Legendary campaign missions or day-one raids. Personally, I like Lingering Dread from the Duality dungeon, as you can get a roll with Chill Clip and Blinding Grenades. This offers superb crowd control as it will both slow and blind targets, making them easy to kill.
For those wanting shotguns, may I suggest two terrific choices that you can farm and craft right now. Wastelander is a Lightweight Frame shotgun that can be obtained in the Dares of Eternity activity while Heritage is a slug shotgun from the Deep Stone Crypt raid. Given that slug shotguns have been exceptionally strong against raid bosses in the past, you’ll want to at least snag a Heritage with Reconstruction and either Recombination or Focused Fury.
Finally, most primary weapons will do just fine, but I want to give a special shoutout to Prolonged Engagement, a Stasis submachine gun. Currently a world drop, this weapon works wonderfully with Stasis builds and comes with a variety of great perk combinations. Keep an eye out for it if you’re looking to rock Stasis in the Lightfall expansion.
Destiny 2 Best Weapons Lightfall
Looking at the Energy slot, there are a few great guns and blades you should look for. While there are a ton of great primary weapons in the Energy slot, I’m giving a special shoutout to the Calus Mini-Tool, Funnelweb, and IKELOS_SMG_v1.0.3. All three of these submachine guns are absolute rock stars, as they boast some great stats and perks. My personal favorite of the three is the IKELOS_SMG_v1.0.3 as the Feeding Frenzy/Voltshot roll is bonkers.
You’ll also want to pick up a good Wave-Frame grenade launcher as they’re one of the best options for add clear. Season of the Risen’s Explosive Personality and the Vow of the Disciple’s Forbearance are the go-to choices for this role. Plus, you can craft them and get those sweet, sweet enhanced perks. If you want a sniper in the Energy slot, the IKELOS_SR_V1.0.3 is a good option since it can roll with Fourth Time’s the Charm and Focused Fury.
As for your close-quarter options, there are some great glaives and shotguns available. Even though I’m not a big fan of glaives, I’ve heard terrific things about both Lubrae’s Ruin and the Judgment of Kelgorath. If stabbing enemies isn’t your style, you can always snag the Gunnora’s Axe or IKELOS_SG_v1.0.3 shotgun.
The Best Legendary Weapons to Get in Destiny 2 Before Lightfall - Fanbyte
One of the most important weapons you’ll want to secure before Lightfall drops is a good linear fusion rifle. There are several options, each of tied to a different element. Taipan-4FR is the most popular, due to its ease of accessibility and perks. However, other linear fusion rifles to consider snagging are Reed’s Regret, Stormchaser, and Cataclysmic. I love the latter, as Cataclysmic is a great option for solo players since its perks aren’t tied solely to standing alongside others to damage the boss.
Of course, the most popular weapon right now is Bump in the Night. Mainly because this rocket launcher does hilarious amounts of damage due to the Chill Clip perk synergizing with Gjallarhorn’s Wolfpack Rounds. If you’re a Warlock player, this is the most important weapon you grab before Lightfall. If you’re a Hunter you’ll want this season’s machine gun the Retrofit Escapade. The sheer amount of damage it outputs when combined with the Gyrfalcon’s Hauberk is absolutely wild.
Remember, these are simply suggestions – especially for those who are going to participate in the day-one raid race. Ultimately, you use what weapons you like as you rarely need to optimize your damage to beat any piece of content in Destiny 2.
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