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Marvel's Avengers: Improvements Klaw Raid Could Bring To The Game – Screen Rant

Marvel’s Avengers’ upcoming Klaw Raid: Discordant Sound may feature some of the game’s most exciting improvements to endgame content yet.
Marvel’s Avengers is getting ready to release its first raid, Klaw Raid: Discordant Sound, and with it hopefully a number of improvements that can help strengthen its post-game content. Raids are a staple of live-service games, having made important appearances in similar games such as Destiny and Warframe. Raids are typically late-game missions that require high levels of team coordination, strong builds and gear, and strategy to complete. Based on some of the teases from developer Crystal Dynamics, many Marvel’s Avengers players are hoping that the Klaw Raid, also referred to as Discordant Sound, might finally bring with it many improvements that could bolster the game’s endgame structure and content in ways that Marvel’s Avengers’ previous endgame missions, such as the Mega Hive and Omega Level Threat, have failed to do.
Often, in PvE live-service games, Raids are considered to be among the games’ interesting and challenging content. Games like Destiny 2 have proved to be very successful in keeping their player base engaged well after the campaign with interesting and exciting Raids, such as Destiny 2’s Vault of Glass. Because of how much Raids tend to add to a live-service game’s replayability – including intriguing rewards to chase after and more – the addition of a Raid in Marvel’s Avengers has been one of the most fan-requested features since launch. The Klaw Raid has seen many fans feeling cautiously optimistic over the improvements the mission could bring.
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In the past, it had been hoped that missions like the Mega Hive and Omega Level threat, both of which were added post-launch, would deliver on the promise to bring exciting challenges and powerful gear rewards, but both times many fans found themselves more disappointed than intrigued. This was one of the many reasons that led to the game under-selling, with publisher Square Enix calling Marvel’s Avengers a disappointment. The Mega Hive gave players a way to earn Exotic quality gear once per week, but the mission themselves were just a string Hive missions that player had already been playing, with the only variation being how many floors there were. The Omega Level Threat provided a bigger challenge, but the frustrating balance that focused too heavily on damage checks and the fact that it was just a harder version of a story mission from the Taking Aim campaign found many players feeling underwhelmed. Crystal Dynamics has assured players that the Klaw Raid will feature new areas and a new mission, but it will need more than that to win players over.
One of the most important aspects of cooperative multiplayer games is teamwork. This is perfect for a game based around the Avengers, as each member of the team boasts wildly different skills and power sets. In Marvel’s Avengers, these power sets are adapted smartly into each of the playable Avengers’ kits, allowing them to fill different roles on the team. For instance, Captain America and Hulk have taunt abilities and high health, allowing them to function as the team’s tank classes.
Meanwhile, Ms. Marvel and Hawkeye have heroic skills that enable them to heal their teammates, giving them the ability to keep their team in the battle far longer before having to run off and locate health kits. In theory, this should give Marvel’s Avengers a strong team dynamic, where players have to vary the heroes they bring into battle in order to balance the team and maximize team synergies. In practice, however, many players have found that much of the late-game content that currently exists in Marvel’s Avengers only emphasizes very high damage checks in order to win.
This is a complaint many players leveled against Marvel’s Avengers’ Omega Level Threat, which was added back in July and was advertised as the game’s first real post-game mission. Once players had the chance to run the mission and test different builds and strategies, it became apparent that the best way to complete the challenging mission was to have four high-damage focused characters that could take down the Super Adaptoid boss before it has the chance to begin summoning clones or spamming massive area-of-effect attacks that are challenging to dodge or avoid. This has led to many teams running extremely damage-focused team comps, which often include three or four Thors to maximize quick damage stacks.
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Crystal Dynamics has indicated that the Klaw Raid will change up this formula, with more diversified sections that emphasize the need for balanced team compositions that include healers, tanks, and damage builds. If the Klaw Raid can successfully alter the game’s meta to better incorporate these types of builds, it could also open the door for the addition of characters with more diverse powers, such as Scarlet Witch’s Chaos Magic, that could significantly change up the combat and roles within the game.
While Marvel’s Avengers does currently feature several different types of puzzles in the game, many players have found themselves frustrated with the repetition and lack of skill required to complete them. This is especially disappointing when factoring in the many different abilities and traversal types that each Avenger possesses. Currently, most puzzles involve finding a way to unlock a door by activating one to four different interactable objects.
These come in three different types, either as honeycomb-shaped panels that are activated with melee attacks, circular panels that are placed high up on walls or in vents that must be activated with ranged attacks, or pressure plates on the ground that merely have to be stepped on. Occasionally, the game will also include a door that must either be smashed open by powerful characters such as Hulk, or hacked by more tech-savvy Avengers like Black Widow. With the release of the War for Wakanda DLC, Marvel’s Avengers did try their hand at slightly more complicated puzzles like the Caves of Bashenga puzzle, but many players still felt underwhelmed.
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The upcoming Klaw Raid: Discordant Sound has the ability to change up the formula with far more complex and interesting puzzles. Since the raid requires a full party of four players to even begin the mission, the puzzles can incorporate far more complicated solutions that the AI-controlled bots just wouldn’t be able to complete. This could include elements like requiring players to use two objects at the exact same time, necessitating the use of mics and game chat to coordinate the timing. Marvel’s Avengers can also include puzzles that benefit from certain traversal types, such as wall-running, flying, or grapples, that encourage teams to change up their compositions and discourage using the same character again and again. Luckily, for players looking forward to bigger and more complicated puzzles, Crystal Dynamics has already been teasing the Klaw Raid’s new puzzle room in Marvel’s Avengers, which the developer indicates will test each player’s collaboration skills in all-new ways.
One of the biggest issues that players have voiced against Marvel’s Avengers is that the top-level gear, which comes in the form of Exotics, are only farmable once per week from each of its sources. Game modes like the Mega Hive and the Omega Level Threat will only reward players with exclusive, Exotic quality gear a maximum of once per week, with no chance of rewarding them again until the weekly server reset. This has left a lot of players feeling like the most important rewards in Marvel’s Avengers are severely bottlenecked, and that this system actively discourages the game’s players from wanting to play the game more during the week.
Crystal Dynamics has attempted to alleviate the issue by announcing that players will be able to get Exotic drop once per week with each character (the old system made players choose only one character per week that would get the rewards), but many players feel this still isn’t enough. It has been suggested by many in the community that a system that gives players a small percent chance of receiving Exotics on replay might encourage players to play more often and improve the player count in matchmaking, where missions like Marvel’s Avengers’ Omega Level Threat are currently struggling to meet the minimum player-count required to start the mission. If the Klaw Raid can manage to entice players to repeat their Klaw Raid runs multiple times throughout a given week, it may help ease the player shortages and matchmaking issues that have turned many fans off from playing the online multiplayer and postgame of Marvel’s Avengers.
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In addition to giving players more opportunities to earn gear, the Klaw Raid also has the potential to make the gear players earn feel more meaningful than it currently is. When the Omega Level Threat was first released for Marvel’s Avengers, many found the unique gear and its associated perks to be underwhelming at best, leaving many players unwilling to push through the extremely challenging and unforgiving mission just to earn rewards that won’t improve their build. This was especially frustrating to many players as more meaningful gear, like Storm Gear which contained the much sought-after Tachyon Surge perk, were obtainable from much easier missions. In a live service game like Marvel’s Avengers, it is important that the most high-level and challenging missions reward players with gear and items they actually want, and the Klaw Raid has the potential to provide this with its new Discordant Exotic gear.
Marvel’s Avengers upcoming November 30th update is already set to be one of its most feature-packed updates, with Marvel’s Avengers’ new Shipments System, to a playable Spider-Man on PlayStation consoles. However, the Klaw Raid: Discordant Sound may ultimately end up proving itself to be the most interesting new element being added to the game. Marvel’s Avengers has long struggled with how to balance its endgame content, but its upcoming first raid holds a lot of promise in the many ways it could improve the quality of the game going forward.
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Michael Montgomery is a writer and Twitch streamer based out of Southern California. He has written two superhero themed novels and can regularly be found streaming Co-op games with his wife on Twitch. When not geeking out over the latest Marvel and DC video games he enjoys writing fantasy and superhero books. He is also an avid collector of anything X-Men related.


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