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IBPS RRB Recruitment 2020 Exam: IBPS releases New Exam Centre Instructions for Social Distancing- Check Decla – Jagran Josh

IBPS RRB Recruitment 2020: IBPS has released new exam centre instructions to be followed by candidates to maintain social distancing. Check exam day guidelines here. IBPS RRB 2020 PO Exam is going to be held in August for 9600 vacancies of officer scale 1 and office assistant. 
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is going to conduct the IBPS RRB Prelims 2020 exam in August for the recruitment of over 9600 vacancies of Officer Scale 1, 2, 3 and Office Assistant (Multipurpose) in the participating Regional Rural Banks. This year, over 40 RRBs are participating in the recruitment drive. Lakhs of candidates will be applying for the IBPS RRB Recruitment 2020 and would be appearing for the exam that will be held across various exam centres in India. Taking into consideration IBPS RRB 2020 as a highly competitive exam and the ongoing crisis of COVID-19 disease, IBPS has issued a set of guidelines and instructions to be followed by candidates at exam centres on the day of examination including the social distancing norms. Have a look at the new exam day instructions below in detail.
The spread of novel Coronavirus is on the spike at present in India. The disease is highly contagious and spreads from person to person. In order to ensure the safety of candidates and prevent close contact among the candidates, IBPS will be following “Social Distancing Mode of Conduct” for the IBPS RRB Prelims or Mains examinations. IBPS has announced all precautionary measures to be taken at the exam centres in its IBPS RRB Notification 2020. Candidates who would not follow these instructions will not be allowed to appear for the exam. So, go through these rules below.
Let’s first have a look at the important details of the IBPS RRB 2020 Exam:
IBPS RRB Application Dates
1 July – 21 July 2020
IBPS RRB Prelims 2020 Exam Date
August 2020
IBPS RRB Mains 2020 Exam Date
October/November 2020
IBPS RRB Vacancy 2020
IBPS RRB 2020 Eligibility Criteria
Check Here
IBPS RRB Syllabus & Exam Pattern
Check Here
IBPS RRB Salary 2020 for PO & Clerk
Check Here
Now, let’s go through the detailed instructions to be followed by candidates at exam centres and all precautionary measures that will be taken by IBPS for the conduct of exam:
Face Mask
Personal hand sanitizer (50 ml)
Transparent water bottle
A simple pen
RRB Admit Card, Original ID Proof, Photocopy of ID Card
IBPS RRB Admit Card 2020 will contain different reporting timings for candidates. Candidates should report at the centres exactly at the reporting time in order to avoid crowding. This move aims to ensure social distancing among the candidates who want to appear for the RRB exams.
Candidates will be allowed to enter the exam centres on the basis of their given time slot only. Candidates arriving late will have to face the consequences.
This time, exam centres will not display the candidates’ Roll Number and Room or Lab Number on their walls. Candidates will be informed about their Lab number in which they need to sit for the exam at the time of verification of Admit Card and ID at the exam centre.
It is mandatory for candidates to wear the N95 face masks at the exam centres. Those who would not wear the masks will not be allowed to enter the exam centres.
Candidates need to carry their own gloves, personal water bottle and hand sanitizer at the examination hall. The sanitizer of only 50 ml is allowed to be carried.
In order to maintain social distancing norms, candidates will not be allowed to share their belongings with others be it pen or sanitizer.
Candidates must download Aarogya Setu app on their mobile phones. The security guards of exam centres will check candidates’ Aarogya Setu app status before allowing them the entry. If a candidate does not have a smart phone, he or she needs to bring signed declaration. Have a look at the declaration below.
IBPS RRB Declaration
If your Aarogya Setu app shows Moderate or High Risk Status, you will not be allowed to enter the centre. Post entry into the exam centres, you need to swtich off your phones.
Candidates need to undergo temperature check at the entry point. Staff deployed at exam centre will check candidates temperature with Thermo Guns. Those with more than 99.14 degrees F temperature will not be allowed to enter.
Once the exam is over, candidates need to exit the centre in orderly manner to avoid crowding.
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