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Elbit Systems of Australia announces company reorganisation – APDR – Asia Pacific Defence Reporter

Elbit Systems of Australia announces company reorganisation - APDR - Asia Pacific Defence ReporterElbit Systems of Australia (ELSA) is reorganising to better position the company to meet the challenges and opportunities of future programs within the Australian defence industry sector.
Managing Director, Major General (ret’d) Paul McLachlan AO CSC said after more than a decade of intense activity supporting the ADF with advanced technological solutions, the current program of work was concluding.
“The Land 200 Tranche 2 program has been the principal driver for the structure and capabilities within Elbit Systems of Australia, which will be adjusting its workforce to optimise delivery of existing projects and focus more clearly on our breadth of capabilities that will support its future upcoming business and significant opportunities in the Australian market,” McLachlan said. “Over the past three years ELSA has conducted a comprehensive transformation into a truly Australian subsidiary of a global prime defence company. This transformation has significantly strengthened the governance, engineering, IT infrastructure and security within the company. This transformation has been acknowledged by the Commonwealth, which we believe positions us well to continue to support the ADF with some of the most advanced Australianised technology available.”
“ELSA remains committed to adding value to national resilience through the transparent transfer of technology directly into an Australian engineering workforce. We also continue our partnership with the Victorian State Government through our Centre of Excellence for Innovation to conduct cutting-edge research and development, teaming with local universities and SMEs. Furthermore, ELSA is taking part in the wider global R&D activities of Elbit for the international market,” McLachlan said. “The restructuring of Elbit Systems of Australia will positively position the company for a bright and sustainable future by broadening the skill set and application of the engineering workforce and to provide better access to the company’s growing portfolio of capability solutions. “Elbit Systems Ltd continues to see Australia as an important market and we look forward to our future partnership to provide cutting-edge capability to the ADF through our enduring Australian workforce.”

Elbit Systems of Australia announces company reorganisation - APDR - Asia Pacific Defence Reporter

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Australian Defence In a Global Context. In its 47th year APDR is the longest established defence publication in Australia.
Daily News Bulletin from APDR for 20/01/23 – http://eepurl.com/iiLhjT
Groundbreaking held for Rheinmetall ammunition factory in Hungary
UK ‘Team Thunder’ meets in South Korea
American Rheinmetall Systems wins contract for remotely operated weapon subsystems
Daily News Bulletin from APDR for 19/01/23 – http://eepurl.com/iiE1p1
The U.S. Army is moving to new generation helicopters, but not Australia
Australia to acquire 40 Blackhawks
Austral diversifies revenue base with new deals
Australian soldiers deploy to help train Ukrainian troops
Daily News Bulletin from APDR for 18/01/23 – http://eepurl.com/iix9ET


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