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Destiny 2 Wordle Clone Rolldle Makes Players Guess Weapon Rolls – Screen Rant

A brand-new Wordle clone, aptly named Rolldle, gives players six chances to recreate a Destiny 2 weapon roll based on the popularity of perks.
A new Wordle clone inspired by Destiny 2 tasks players with guessing specific weapon rolls, making for a very unique and fun puzzle experience. The web-based puzzle game, which tasks players with guessing a five-letter word through trial and error, has become a pop culture phenomenon since launching last year. Alongside the Destiny 2-inspired Rolldle, other games like the Wordle clone and geography game Worldle have put their own unique spin on the popular game.
The premise of Wordle is simple: players are given six chances to guess a five-letter word, with each guess revealing which letters belong in the final solution. The trial-and-error nature of the game means that almost anyone can succeed, and the fact that every single player has the same daily solution adds a social aspect to the experience. Many Wordle clones have cropped up since the puzzle game took off, with many of them narrowing solutions down to words associated with properties like Marvel or Lord of the Rings. However, more unique versions include the movie-based Wordle clone Framed, which gives players six tries to guess a film title based on still images.
Related: Wordle’s Marvel Clone Marvle Tests Avengers Knowledge
As reported by Forbes, a brand-new Wordle clone called Rolldle tasks players with guessing a weapon roll from Destiny 2. Bungie’s multiplayer first-person shooter gives weapons randomly-generated attributes, and Rolldle gives players six tries to guess the correct set of perks. The web-based puzzle game introduces unique mechanics, like an indicator that tells the player whether their guessed attribute was too high or too low in popularity, to the Wordle format. While this popularity mechanic arguably makes the game easier than Wordle, it is still a very unique take on the five-figure puzzle formula.
Presenting all players with a single solution adds a social aspect to Wordle and its various successors, but one clone goes an extra mile into multiplayer territory. The battle royale Wordle clone Squabble follows the basic rules of the original web-based word puzzle, but multiple players compete to be the last one standing. The player actually takes damage as rival users solve puzzles, turning the typically methodical word puzzle into a fast-paced race. Squabble encourages players to make speedy guesses in an attempt to knock their opponents out of the game, significantly changing the Wordle experience.
Taking direct inspiration from Destiny 2’s weapon generation system, Rolldle puts a fun sci-fi spin on the typical Wordle setup. The game’s unique popularity mechanic, alongside the sci-fi aesthetic of the perks, is able to help the newest Wordle clone stand out from its inspiration. For gamers looking for another daily puzzle game, Rolldle is an excellent addition to the Wordle clone family.
Next: Wordle Clone Comes To Nintendo Switch (& It’s Free For Some Players)
Sources: Forbes, Rolldle
Thomas McNulty is an avid reader, writer, game player and movie watcher from New Jersey. Movies, TV shows, video games, books and pop culture are personal passions, and he is thrilled to be writing about those topics that are so near and dear. If someone has a story to tell, they should be able to tell it. He is committed to delivering accuracy with every article and staying true to his voice.


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