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All Destiny 2 A Rising Tide quest steps, and where to visit improvements – Eurogamer.net

Black Friday 2022
Destiny 2’s A Rising Tide quest is providing a community focused bookend to the Season of Plunder.
In this quest, the collective Guardians of Destiny 2 are all being asked to pitch in treasures to rebuild and improve the Eliksni Quarter, home of pro-humanity refugees among the Eliksni people.
Initially, progressing the quest required waiting for the Destiny 2 community to donate enough materials to unlock subsequent quest steps, but now all of the required donations are made, and the entire A Rising Tide Quest can be completed.
This page explains how to complete A Rising Tide, as details where to go to find each visit improvement location.
On this page:
A Rising Tide starts as soon as you visit the Donations Chest in the Tower. The overall goal is for Guardians to donate treasure, primarily in the form of Captain’s Coins, at the Donations Chest to fund improvements to the Eliksni Quarter.
While the event itself is based around the full Destiny 2 community, you will need to complete the individual quest steps yourself to progress. Initially each step was gated by worldwide donation milestones, but all those milestones have now been reached, and the entirety of the quest is now available.
The steps for the A Rising Tide quest are:

  1. Collect Captain’s Coins
  2. Donate Captain’s Coins
  3. Visit Improvement I: Cleanup
  4. Visit Improvement II: The Ether Tank
  5. Visit Improvement III: Comforts
  6. Visit Improvement IV: Recruits
  7. Visit Improvement V: Housing
  8. Visit Improvement VI: Garden
  9. Visit Improvement VII: Town Square

Once you’ve visited the final site the quest will complete, and you will be awarded an Eliksni Quarter Gift Box for your efforts. This will contain a Deepsight Resonance Weapon, an Eververse Engram, Bright Dust, or Glimmer.
As you complete the A Rising Tide quest a large number of the steps will task you with visiting the various improvements to the Eliknsi Quarter. Each time you visit one there will be a button prompt, which will complete the step and launce a bit of dialogue from Mithrax, describing the improvements.
Here are all the locations to visit:
For Season of Plunder, we have the Sails of the Shipstealer quest, Treasure Coordinates and Map Fragments, Cryptic Quatrains and weapons such as the Quicksilver Storm and Taipan 4FR. Meanwhile, there’s the arrival of King’s Fall and King’s Fall challenges, plus weapons including Doom of Chelchis and Touch of Malice. For The Witch Queen, learn how to get Exotics including Dead Messenger and Parasite.
While Destiny 2 community may have completed its goal by donating enough treasure, there is still some incentive for you to keep up with your donations thanks to some nice individual rewards.
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